Pelion is considered one of the only areas in Greece and Europe with the darkest sky!
Experience stargazing at our hotel!
One of the darkest places in Greece and Europe, Pelion, (but also Lesvos, Lemnos and Agios Stratis), are ideal places for stargazing due to the low to non-existent light pollution. Light pollution is a major problem for astronomers, which is why large observatories are built away from cities and settlements and mainly at high altitude in mountains.

Here, you can easily excursion to the Pelion countryside and enjoy the splendor of the starry night sky. Stargazing is a hobby, with the object of learning about the night sky and observing celestial objects. As a hobbyist you can be very serious and dedicated, or just enjoy the idea of the unknown and discovery.
Surely, there is nothing better than sharing an interest like skywatching with others. Stargazing provides great opportunities to try out different optical instruments such as binoculars or telescopes, learn new skills and make friends.
So don’t lose heart if you can’t spot an object immediately, and especially don’t be disappointed if the view through your medium isn’t perfect or doesn’t look like the fancy coloured objects you’ve seen in some photos. Learn to enjoy whatever your eyes, binoculars or a telescope can show you, always making sure you are aware of what you are seeing.
Our hotel has an instrument telescope for amateur stargazing, with which we can enjoy the sky and nature.
Pelion is considered one of the only areas in Greece and Europe with the darkest sky!
Experience stargazing at our hotel!